Saturday 23 May 2015

Don’t kill me

I am tree I give air for in heal and exhale and I feed you by fruits to all without discrimination, I’m happy and proud being a tree. My family is big different types of tree we are as per geographical condition we grew, Man day by bay more greed he is cutting tree, our place is occupied by man to contract the building. After liberalization, Privatization, globalization my conduction has been got in trouble daily number of tress cut off  I have dream to give same love the affection to next generation.  
 Traditional medicine and commercially I will be used in different manor, man discovered that how to us, for getting good health and free from disorders including asthma, diabetes, diarrhea, epilepsy, gastric problems, and inflammatory disorders, infectious and sexual disorders tree is great medicinal value. Its leaves serve as a wonderful laxative as well as tonic for the body. It is especially useful for patients suffering from Jaundice. It helps to control the excessive amount of urine released during jaundice.
Ecology system is depended on human activity cut off tree which is creating global warming and ozone Lear damage,  man have best solution is panting tree patriotic me  nature has not given power of stopping you, I want to live don’t kill me

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